Bev.'s Roses Still Blooming

Bev.'s Roses Still Blooming

Monday, October 25, 2010

Philosophy for Old Age

Would like to share this "Philosophy for Old Age" Power Point with you. I would suggest taking a few moments to watch and to actually digest the words you read. Am only sorry I can't include the beautiful music that is being played throughout. Hopefully in time that too can be accomplished.
While watching, have a feeling you will be wondering as I have been myself..."Why is it when we are young, we are always rushing time to simply get older more quickly...and when we are "older" we want to slow down the quick tick-tock of the clock into a much slower beat".
Time passes far too quickly...I know...I am a senior and days, weeks, months and years are passing much faster than I would like. How to slow it way is to perhaps relax and actually take time to smell the roses.
Here is the link...hope it will open for you.
Enjoy...and always remember to smell the roses, even in the rain and the snow!! Life is precious...treasure it, don't waste one day!!
God Bless....see you again soon.

(right click & save target as - to your desktop)

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Some thoughts..."Heart of Gratitude"

Here it is another weekend...drab and dreary here, with darkening clouds and a few rain splatters from time to time. Kind of a day that makes one think, a little too much perhaps about things, the future and life in general and where are we headed...not only individually but collectively.
Then, in a moment of too-deep thinking, I happened upon the following story. It was not written by me, and from my understanding the author is unknown. If anyone does know who wrote it, I would definitely like to know who should be given the credit...they are truly deserving of it.

Heart of Gratitude

A blind boy sat on the steps of a building with a hat by his feet. He held up a sign which said: "I am blind, please help." There were only a few coins in the hat.

A man was walking by. He took a few coins from his pocket and dropped them into the hat. He then took the sign, turned it around, and wrote some words. He put the sign back so that everyone who walked by would see the new words. Soon the hat began to fill up. A lot more people were giving money to the blind boy. That afternoon the man who had changed the sign came to see how things were. The boy recognized his footsteps and asked, "Were you the one who changed my sign this morning? What did you write?"

The man said, "I only wrote the truth. I said what you said but in a different way." I wrote: "Today is a beautiful day but I cannot see it." Both signs told people that the boy was blind. But the first sign simply said the boy was blind. The second sign told people that they were so lucky that they were not blind. Should we be surprised that the second sign was more effective?

Moral of the Story: Be thankful for what you have. Be creative. Be innovative. Think differently and positively. When life gives you 100 reasons to cry, show life that you have 1000 reasons to smile Face your past without regret. Handle your present with confidence. Prepare for the future without fear. Keep the faith and drop the fear. The most beautiful thing is to see a person smiling. And even more beautiful is knowing that you are the reason behind it.

   -- Author Unknown

After reading these words, guess you could say I was "brought up short" in my thoughts. Because of circumstances in my life over the past number of months and yes, I can honestly say years, I will be the first to admit that perhaps I have had a bit of a negative attitude of recent.
However, after reading these above words, I realize that no matter how difficult things in life might seem at any particular time, it is the way we chose to look at it, to handle it, to accept and deal with it, - be it in a more positive than negative way- has a great effect upon ourselves. Negative thoughts bring about more negative thoughts and actions, positive thoughts, well, they give you a whole different and better perspective on the matter at hand.
As the saying is, "Smile and the world smiles with you, cry and you cry alone."
Smile, Friends, will be surprised at how good you feel, how better you make life for those around you...and how really small the problems that you felt to be weighing you down in your life, really are.
Until next and let the world wonder "what have you been up to"......

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Autumn Reflections - 2010


Well, here I am again. Summer is definitely over and autumn is with us, bringing with it shorter days, longer nights and cooling temperatures, as well as Mother Nature's glorious array of colours..the deep crimson reds, the yellows, some deeper in colour than others, depending upon the type of tree, and the always beautiful Halloween colour of orange. Some leaves seem to be hanging on in spite of the winds, the driving rains of late and thankfully no frosts as yet. But, why is it my lawn is looking so dismal with the fallen leaves now turning brown, their fabulous colours having faded away, leaving only work to be done in raking them all up. Perhaps this year, I will be lazy and drive my lawn tractor back and forth over them, mulching them up into ever so small pieces so they can stay on the lawn over winter and have their nutrients go back into the soil to supply nourishment for next year.
Will just share a few pictures with you of trees and shrubs in my own yard. I am lucky in that through blood and sweat over the years, we planted all these trees to enjoy as they grew and I am reaping the benefits of all that hard work and realizing the marvelous splendor simply by looking out my kitchen window. What more could a nature lover like myself ask for here on our beautiful little Island? 
Guess this will be all for now. Drop in  anytime. Hope we all have a most wonderful autumn season and take the time to actual "look, see and appreciate" the glory of Nature in our presence. 




Saturday, October 9, 2010


Here we are..October 10, 2010...our Canadian Thanksgiving Sunday. While cooking my turkey on Saturday, so as to cut down on the rush of preparing  Thansgiving dinner after arriving home later than usual from attending my Sunday Thanksgiving church service, as well as  get the gravy made and roasting pan and all other utensils put away, making more room in my kitchen for Sunday....was thinking...
"My gosh, where did the past twelve months go?
Is that a sign of my ever increasing old age, or is it just a matter of life...each year slipping by. Seems the world is moving too quickly at times and I sometimes get the feeling to call out:
"Stop the world, I want to get off".
Alas, such is not possible.
Was just writing cheques for my church envelopes  for the morning and thinking of our local food bank..and with the cooling temperatures, thinking of so many unfortunate souls who find themselves not only homeless but hungry as well. So out comes my pen and cheque book to write another cheque for our local food bank and put a few more cans into the bags I will be taking with me in the morning for our church to give to this bank.
Thanksgiving is definitely the time of year we should take a extra deep look into our own lives and although it is simply a flaw of being human that  we often find ourselves grumbling and complaining about many things that are really of no significance in the big scheme of life..we should take several moments to  give thanks for the many blessings we all do enjoy...the blessings of having food, clothing and shelter (often in more abundance than we really need), surrounded by love of family and friends. These are what I would call our 'personal blessings", but as well for the blessing of our accident of birth to be born in this, our great nation of Canada. Peoples throughout the world are in many instances dying in their attempts to come to our Canadian shores, to be accepted and to begin new lives for themseles and families here with the rest of us who have been born here and who often take our Canadian citizenship for granted.
These were simply some thoughts running through my head at this time, that I would like to share......we must remember always "we are truly our brother's keeper" and try to always live our lives accordingly...looking out for and assisting those in need. May I just say that lack of food, clothing and shelter is sometimes not the "need"..for many it is simply to be accepted into society and to be considered "valuable" as an individual regarless of our many handicaps for I personally believe we are all handicapped in some way or some instances, the handicapped is easily recognized, other times it is is well hidden behind a shield put up as a defensive mechanism.
Do you find yourself with a freezing-on-the-spot fear of snakes, or spiders, of riding elevators, of climbing heights...these are all handicaps, but rarely recognized as is a mental or physical handicap.
Simply trying to say: Give thanks for your blessings always...not just on Thanksgiving Day, but every day of every year that we live on this earth.
Again, wishing a most happy and blessed Thanksgiving to all fellow proud Canadians.
So long for now....and please pop in again whenever the urge hits you
You are most welcome always.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Welcome to my Blog

This is my first attempt at blogging.  Hope to have fun putting thoughts into words and do welcome folks to visit from time to time. Any comments, both positive or negative would be much appreciated. I am thick-skinned so don't hesitate to be critical! However, please keep in mind this is a learning experience for me, thus any and all assistance would be appreciated.
I am a senior lady living in Eastern Canada who enjoys gardening as well as travelling when time, health and funds permit. Maybe in time I will learn how to share many things with you that you might find enjoyable as well as sometimes provocative, giving cause to pause and consider. I am not a "deep" person, so there will be no profound thoughts or messages from me.
Again, Welcome to my Blog. Hope you will find things of interest that will see you returning. And, finally a most heartfelt "thank you" for taking your time to visit with me.
God bless, see you soon.